
Active Practice of Trash Sorting to Lead a Green Life Thematic Party Day Activities on Trash Sorting in Shanghai Expotrans


The Regulations on Trash Sorting Management in Shanghai will be put into effect on July 1. It is an urgent issue of common concern to maximize the recycle of waste resource, reduce the amount of trash disposal and improve the quality of living environment by trash sorting management.

On May 28, Shanghai Expotrans Party Branch launched a thematic party day activity on "a new trend of trash sorting led by party member as a model". Teachers from Greening and Municipal Appearance Management Institute of Jiangning Road Street were invited to give lectures to help the members learn the basic methods of trash sorting, collection and disposal.

The teachers introduced the urgency of trash sorting and the significance of trash recycle with video, explained how to separate trash, and directed the party members to discuss about the trash whose sorting category was disputed. Thanks to the activity, we had a better understanding of trash sorting and disposal.


After the training, XPTRS immediately established the specific practices of trash disposal in the office area in accordance with the principle of "four categories". All employees, especially the party members, are required to set a good example. Starting from ourselves, the company earnestly fulfills its civic obligations, and comprehensively implements the principle of "a new trend of trash sorting, party member goes ahead as a model" so as to contribute to environment protection and ecological civilization construction.

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