


On the morning of August 16, Shanghai Expotrans (XPTRS) held the conference on the work in the first half of 2018. All employees of the company attended the meeting.


The year of 2018 is extraordinary for Shanghai Expotrans. This year is the 30th anniversary of XPTRS. Standing at this new starting point, we were further committed to innovation, deepening reform and integration together with sincere cooperation and building dreams together. XPTRS smoothly completed a number of local brand projects in Shanghai, such as exhibitions and shows of machine tool, mould, wedding, electronics, food and so on. XPTRS continued to expand market, promote its operation mode to consolidate its regular projects including China International Beauty Expo (Guangzhou), and undertook new projects such as China International Furniture Fair (Guangzhou) and Interwine China (Guangzhou); sped up the layout of the southwest market and set up Chongqing Branch relying on the resource advantage of international exhibition companies in Shanghai and Chongqing; accelerated the development of emerging overseas exhibition, and completed TURKEY INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE MACHINERY EXHIBITION. It expanded the regional network of agents in the countries and regions along the Belt&Road so as to lay a solid layout for its future strategic development.

At the meeting, the heads of business departments made detailed reports on the work in the first half of 2018. Bian Guorong, Chairman/General Manager of the company, made a summary of the work on behalf of the company's management team and laid out the focus of the second half of the year. Mr. Bian explored new advantages and outlined new ways of development around such key words as "steady growth while holding the basic conditions", "structure adjustment for broader potential", "reform promotion for more vitality", “team construction for boosting morale", "party building with strict discipline".



In the afternoon, Mr. Bian held an exchange forum with employees joining the company over the past three years on the theme of "young people’s self-cultivation". He shared his path to growth, inspiring and enlightening the young employees.


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