
XPTRS Fully Prepared for the First China International Import Expo


There are only 19 days away from opening of the first China International Import Expo (CIIE). As one of the designated logistics service providers, Shanghai Expotrans Co. (XPTRS) has successfully transported the first batch of exhibits to the destination recently.

There are only 19 days away from opening of the first China International Import Expo (CIIE). As one of the designated logistics service providers, Shanghai Expotrans Co. (XPTRS) has successfully transported the first batch of exhibits to the destination recently.

As of the publishing of this article, the project team is still working hard through day and night to meet the requirement of "the highest standard and the best service" at a speed of "a thousand miles per day", and sparing no efforts to effectively promote the pre-expo work.

The following short film reviews the "Path to CIIE" that we have traveled over the past 10 months.

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